You know that feeling when you don’t see someone for a long time? At times you begin to forget the way they look, right? You can remember their general appearance, their hair color and the way they dress. But after a while, those memories fade and it’s difficult to remember what you knew so well. It’s strange for me to say that I feel that way about Amsterdam… Well felt that way. See after about a year of staying at…
A few hours in Amsterdam
We visited the highlights of Amsterdam (and it was amazing)
Posted on September 9, 2019Whew! This past week was a busy one! My mom and brother came out for the first time to visit me in The Netherlands! They had never been to the country and they took the opportunity to visit some highlights of Amsterdam with us. Let me tell you it was a blast! These were three of the amazing sights to be seen in Amsterdam. There’s too much to do in one day. My mom had goals that she needed to…
Sander and I love to take what the Dutch call “een dagje weg.” It’s basically a day that you’re away from home and having a good time. For us, this means we head into Amsterdam for errands. These are pretty basic but each time there’s something new to experience. We go often enough that I think it would make for a good small feature! Today we skipped breakfast to head to our favorite restaurant Ramen-ya. I decided to try something…